Services & Specialties
Chiropractic Adjustments:
An adjustment is often a minimal pressure from the chiropractor utilizing their hands or an instrument to move a vertebrae back into place. This happens with a quick movement and is often without discomfort. Overall, adjustments are an excellent way to keep the body functioning at its highest level. When the body is in alignment, the body is able to respond and perform as it was designed to.
Most appointments at our office will not take more than 15 minutes with the doctor. If you are a new patient, please check out the New Patient Forms section to print off and fill out the forms prior to your appointment, to save you time.
Some conditions we can treat with chiropractic include:
*Neck Pain *Back Pain *Sciatica *Headaches *Colic *Sprain / Strains *Carpal Tunnel
*Disc Bulge / Disc Herniation *Shoulder Pain / Elbow Pain / Wrist Pain *TMJ Disorder
*Hip Pain / Knee Pain / Ankle Pain *Pregnancy Concerns
Chiropractic Digital X-rays:
A new and exciting addition to our clinic is an all new digital X-ray machine. Images are available within seconds after taking the picture to allow for faster diagnosis and treatment.
Spinal Decompression & Massage Roller Table:
At Derrick Family Chiropractic, along with hands on adjustments, we use Triton DTS Spinal Decompression Therapy which is an FDA cleared and clinically proven non-invasive and non-surgical treatment for sciatica, pinched nerves, herniated discs or bulging discs, facet syndrome and spinal stenosis. Some symptoms that people may experience with these issues include: numbness, tingling, weakness in arms or legs and even a burning sensation just to name a few.
During treatment, a spinal disc and joint (in the neck or lower back depending on the treatment area) is isolated and placed under a negative pressure, causing a vacuum or "unloading" effect within it. The traction to the spine allows the nerve pressure and compression to release often alleviating the patient's symptoms immediately. The ligaments and muscles are also gently stretched; thus improving circulation and enhancing mobility.
Treatment typically lasts for 10-15 minutes, and most patients report a reduction in pain and symptoms within the first few treatments. Results do vary from patient to patient depending on multiple factors including: age, physical activity level, at home care and the severity of the condition.
**We don't make you sign any expensive and lengthy contracts and we aim to make chiropractic care and our non-invasive decompression treatment affordable for anyone.**
**If you have any questions about chiropractic or decompression and if it can work for you, please feel free to Call the office for more information at 414-328-1734.**
DTS Decompression Machine Massage Roller Table (often used after decompression)